S7. Conflict of Interest

7.1 Definition: A conflict of interest arises when a member's personal interests or loyalties interfere, or appear to interfere, with their ability to act in the best interests of Global Commons.

7.2 Disclosure: Members are required to promptly disclose any potential conflicts of interest to the appropriate level of representation within Global Commons. Disclosure should include a detailed description of the conflict and its potential impact on the organization.

7.3 Recusal: In instances where a conflict of interest is identified, the affected member shall recuse themselves from any decision-making processes or discussions related to the matter in question.

7.4 Review and Resolution: Conflicts of interest shall be reviewed and addressed by the relevant level of representation within Global Commons. Measures to mitigate or resolve conflicts may include seeking input from impartial parties or refraining from participation in specific activities.

7.5 Transparency: All actions taken to address conflicts of interest shall be transparent and documented. Records of disclosures, recusals, and resolutions shall be maintained for accountability and transparency purposes.

7.6 Training and Education: Global Commons may provide training and education to members on identifying, disclosing, and managing conflicts of interest effectively.

7.7 Compliance: Members are expected to comply fully with the conflict-of-interest policy of Global Commons and to act in the best interests of the organization at all times.

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