S6. Amendments

6.1 Amendment Process: Any member of Global Commons may propose amendments to the bylaws. Proposals must be submitted in writing to the appropriate level of representation.

6.2 Review and Discussion: Proposed amendments undergo review and discussion within the relevant level of representation. Members provide feedback and suggest revisions during this phase.

6.3 Voting: Proposed amendments are subject to a vote within the relevant level of representation. The decision-making process outlined by Global Commons determines the voting procedure.

6.4 Approval Threshold: To be approved, proposed amendments must receive a two-thirds majority vote at the relevant level of representation.

6.5 Escalation of Amendments: If an amendment affects multiple levels, it may be escalated upward for review and approval. Pod, as the highest level, holds the ultimate authority in the decision-making process.

6.6 Documentation and Notification: Approved amendments are documented and communicated to all members promptly. They are then incorporated into the official bylaws of Global Commons.

6.7 Implementation: Once approved, amendments are enforced in accordance with Global Commons procedures.

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