S2. Membership

2.1 Eligibility Criteria: Membership in Global Commons is open to individuals who meet the following eligibility criteria:

2.1.1 Language Proficiency: Applicants must demonstrate proficiency in their native language, both in writing and speaking. Additionally, proficiency in the English language is required, as communication within the community primarily occurs in English.

2.1.2 Absence of Communist Affiliation: Applicants must not have been members of any communist organization within the past year. Former members of communist organizations may join only if they have ceased affiliation at least a year ago.

2.1.3 Clean Record: Applicants must have a clean criminal record and commit to not engage in any activities that may physically harm others.

2.1.4 Non-religious Affiliation: Applicants must declare that they no longer follow any religious practices. Membership will be automatically canceled if any notification of such practices arises.

2.2 Application Process: Prospective members are required to complete the online application form available on the Global Commons website. The application undergoes manual verification before approval and the member's listing on the website.

2.3 Organizational Structure: Global Commons operates on a hierarchical organizational structure, consisting of the following levels:

2.3.1 POD: The smallest unit comprising individuals who reserve the right to elect and recall representatives. Each pod consists of three representatives from each gender.

2.3.2 GROUP: Consists of 10 pods, with representatives from each pod. Three representatives from each gender represent the group at the next level down in the hierarchy.

2.3.3 CLUSTER: Comprised of three groups, with representatives from each group. Three representatives from each gender serve as cluster representatives.

2.3.4 DISTRICT: Consists of 50 clusters, with representatives from each cluster. Three representatives from each gender represent the district.

2.3.5 STATE: All districts constitute the state, with representatives from each district. Three representatives from each gender represent the state.

2.3.6 WORLD: All members from the state become members of the world, with representatives from each gender serving as world representatives.

2.4 Termination of Membership Process: The termination of membership within Global Commons follows a structured process, depending on the origin of the complaint:

2.4.1 Originating Pod: If complaints arise from within the same pod as the member in question, all members of that pod can vote on the termination of membership.

2.4.2 Same Group, Different Pod: If complaints arise from another pod within the same group, all members of the group, including representatives from each pod, can vote on the termination of membership.

2.4.3 Different Cluster: If complaints arise from a different cluster within the same district, all members of the district can vote on the termination of membership.

2.4.4 Different District, Same State: If complaints arise from another district within the same state, all members of the state can vote on the termination of membership.

2.4.5 Different State, Global Vote: If complaints arise from another state or globally, all members of the Global Commons community can vote on the termination of membership.

2.5 Reasons for Escalation: The escalation of the termination process ensures that decisions are made collectively by members at the appropriate level of the organizational hierarchy, promoting fairness and accountability.

2.6 Rights and Responsibilities: Upon approval of their membership application, members are entitled to the rights and responsibilities outlined in Section 2.3 of the bylaws.

2.7 Appeals Process: Members have the right to appeal any decision regarding the termination of their membership. The appeals process will be outlined in detail in the organization's bylaws.

Foundational: 2*

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